School Feature: St Andrew’s College, Makhanda (Grahamstown)


Situated in the beautiful and historic town of Makhanda (Grahamstown) in the Eastern Cape, St Andrew’s College is a unique Anglican boys’ boarding school that enjoys a very close relationship with our sister school, the Diocesan School for Girls. This unique relationship between our schools makes Grahamstown the ideal family boarding school environment.

The school provides an outstanding educational experience with a richness to its curriculum that allows boys to grow academically through the IEB and Cambridge A-level curriculum offerings in an inclusive, supportive environment. With a legacy of over 165 years we have an incredibly strong sense of tradition anchoring us to the vision and values of our founders. Whilst respecting that heritage, the school is a distinctly modern, progressive and innovative space where boys are continually challenged to give of their absolute best.

 As a leading school in the field of positive education, we work hard to create a space where every boy will be able to find and celebrate his own unique giftedness, and flourish. We offer a sporting curriculum of the highest standards and a rich cultural and musical experience – all the time informed by the principles of giving of one’s best, incremental growth, and above all, enjoyment in the moment.

 The boys are passionate about their school and their love for College is genuine and noticeable. We work hard at creating an environment that is free from a sense entitlement and is lacking in pretension. Our school motto Nec Aspera Terrent – Difficulties Do Not Dismay Us – is indelibly written into the heart of each boy, and the character traits of tenacity, perseverance and endurance are the hallmark of a College boy.

St Andrew’s College is an engaged, active and proud South African school. We work in partnership with our community to ensure that our boys gain an understanding of the complexities of our country, allowing our school to have relevance in our community. As a Christian school, all that we do is anchored in and guided by the teachings of Christ.

As the boys’ boarding school of choice, our intake includes the Eastern Cape, the rest of South Africa, and the world, including Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong, amongst others.

 An education at St Andrew’s College is a transforming experience. I believe that there can be few better places for young men to discover a life of purpose and significance.

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