The Case for a return to School Sports

PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics, a multidisciplinary group made up of leading scientists, actuaries, economist, data scientist, statisticians, medical professionals and lawyers recently looking...

Rugby: KES Easter Festival 2021- postponed

Rugby: KES Easter Festival 2021 King Edward VII School is once again privileged to host our Easter Rugby and Hockey Festival, the 18th anniversary of...

Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival Announced for Centenary- postponed

KEARSNEY EASTER RUGBY FESTIVAL TEAMS ANNOUNCED FOR CENTENARY The 2021 Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival takes place in Kearsney’s centenary year and schools with which Kearsney...

The Difference Between Losing and Being Beaten

The Difference between losing and being beaten. His name is Larry Gelwix and why most have not heard about him is that he coaches in...

What Long Term Affect will Covid have on School Sport?

What long term effect will Covid-19 leave on school sport? In short nobody really knows the impact that not playing sport for a year will...

First XV Rugby: The Top 100 Teams of the Decade Rankings

Top School Rugby Rankings. The 2020 School rugby season was dealt its worse blow in history when the COVID-19 virus arrived, extinguishing all hope of...

Behind Every School Athlete is an Exhausted Parent

Behind every school athlete is an exhausted parent. You will find these moms and dads quivering on the stands, wrapped in blankets and coats. They...

Top Boy Sports Schools of the Decade

So who are the Top Boys Sports Schools of the Decade?  Any attempt to compile a Top Boys Sport Schools of the Decade Rankings is...

School Rugby Ranking by Province

How have the various school rugby teams around the country faired provincially during the past decade? Using the same formula as used in the (Top...

School Sport is Being Lost in Online Classroom Teaching

The need for co-curricular activities in a digital world As national lockdown ticks by we can assume that schools are well into their 70th...