School Feature: Westville Girls’ High



Pursuing Excellence | Holistic Education | Maximising Potential

 The Pursuit of Excellence. Since 1964, Westville Girls’ High School has built a strong foundation for the education of young women. We have been ranked as the best performing school in the Pinetown district from 1991 due to a sustained pass rate of 100%. We have also maintained a Bachelor pass rate of over 95%. This high quality of passes has ensured that our learners are able to attend university and other tertiary institutions.

Incepto ne Desistam. Translated, our school motto reads: “May I not shrink from my purpose”. It is our aim to develop learners who are prepared for higher education and for the world of work. One of the most important qualities we can nurture in the youth of today is resilience, for them to be able to confront challenges and overcome them. A learner who is empowered and who can think critically is one who is able to grow through her ability to express how she feels about what is important to her.

Dignity in Diversity. This phrase is engrained in the culture of our school family and is reflected, not only in our learner-body, but in our diverse and capable staff. We are proud to embrace all races, religions and cultures, ensuring that through our learners’ experiences at WGHS we imbue within them a sense of belonging, dignity and self-worth. We embrace every young woman for who she is and provide her with the support structure to develop into who she truly wants to become.

Holistic Education. While we are well known for our excellence in academics, it is our holistic approach to education which allows for this reputation to be maintained. We understand that for a learner to reach her full potential academically, she must be given the opportunity to explore her personal interests and talents. To accommodate the interests of all our learners, we offer an extensive range of sport and cultural activities. Our facilities include: a state-of-the-art library, an indoor hockey/ basketball court, outdoor courts, squash courts, an AstroTurf field, a swimming pool, climbing walls, drama studios for productions and various spaces for cultural activities such as public speaking and debating.

A School with a Soul. “Soul” is the essence that makes our school what it is – embodied by a sense of emotional strength and vitality of spirit. We are grateful for the culture of kindness and inclusivity that is spreading amongst our family at WGHS. We witness this and experience it every day in the simplest interactions. We are proud of the calibre of character of our young ladies evident throughout their journey at our school. It is these qualities of kindness, honesty, resilience and compassion that we continue to nurture and encourage at WGHS.
