Pretoria Boys High beat Grey High School!

st johns easter festival

In the last game of day 2 at the St Johns Easter Festival, Pretoria Boys High put in a great performance to sneak past Grey High School and win the match 26- 20!

The first half was a tight affair with both teams trading tries, but it was Boys High who got the upper hand edging the score to 7- 5 at the break.

The second half was electrifying as both sides went toe to toe against each other. The atmosphere was so tense leaving the spectators at the edge of their seats. Boys High maintained their rhythm right until the end and turned out to be the better finishers by claiming the big scalp of Grey High. What a thrilling game to watch as both teams displayed skill and determination right until the final whistle blew.

st johns rugby

Images and report supplied by St Johns College.

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