Football Rankings

After being flooded with requests for Football to have their own Rankings here is this week’s School Football Rankings for first teams. Please bear in...

Football Rankings for 2022

The Boys First Team Football Rankings for 2022. BOYS FIRST TEAM FOOTBALL RANKINGS 2 NOVEMBER, 2022 RANK TEAM PLAYED AVG  BONUS PTS 1 HTS LOUIS BOTHA 14 11.65 2 PAUL ROOS GYM 14 11.33 3 HILTON COLLEGE 16 10.51 4 KES 10 10.17 5 ST DAVIDS 30 10.12 6 NORKEM...

Football: This Week’s Rankings: 01/09/2022

This Week’s First Team Football Rankings. Please send through your football results to [email protected] BOYS FIRST TEAM FOOTBALL RANKINGS 1 SEPTEMBER, 2022 RANK TEAM PLAYED AVG  BONUS PTS 1 HTS LOUIS...

Football: This Week’s Results 23/07/2022

School Football is taking place this week, with several of the school teams ready to play the greatest game on earth.  Check out this...

School Soccer Rankings: 10/08/2023

The first edition of the Boys First Team Soccer Rankings has hit the scene, offering an early glimpse into the competitive landscape of school...

School Football Rankings: 15/11/23

This Week's First Team School Football Rankings Our rankings rely on results, and it's possible that some schools haven't submitted their full season results. We...

The New Soil School Football Cup

There is a new School football Tournament on the horizon, and it promises to be one of the most prestigious tournaments that South Africa...

Soccer: Kearsney College Match Report

There was great excitement from both teams to be back playing competitive sport after the long Covid break. DHS started off by scoring a goal...