Winners of the Cape Town International Hockey Tournament

cti hockey
Congratulations to the winners of the Cape Town International Hockey Tournament. The competition was tough and with sheer determination and true grit the winners topped the scoreboard.
What  a sensational week the CTI Tournament was, the energy was high amongst all the teams and many great memories were formed for all the players to reflect on.
Elite Girls: Milfield Green Stripe 1st team
Elite Boys : SACS 1st team
Evolve Girls : St Pauls College 1st team
Evolve Boys : Reddam Constantia
Elite Girls: Milfield
winners of CTIH tournament Milfield
Elite Boys: SACS
winners CTI hockey tournament sacs
Evlove Girls: St Pauls College
winners of the CTI Hockey tournament - st pauls college
Evolve Boys: Reddam Constantia
winners CTI hockey tournament - reddam constantia