Springfield Convent School

springfield convent

springfield convent  


In 1871 a group of Irish Dominican Sisters who had come to the Cape and founded a school in the city in 1863, were looking for a property in the country on which to start a boarding school.  After the stifling heat of the city, they were looking for a place with fresh country air, and were eventually able to purchase a Wynberg property called Springfield for £800.

From small beginnings, Springfield has grown over the years, to the flourishing school it is today.

As a Dominican school, our motto is Veritas meaning, Truth.  This not only involves speaking the truth but searching for the truth that is to be found in all disciplines and in its fullness in God.  Religious Education has its basis in the Catholic religion but Springfield welcomes all girls and teaches respect and tolerance for others’ beliefs.  Pupils are encouraged to deepen their faith and explore the world in the light of the Gospel.  It is an important part of the curriculum and provides an inspiration for the school’s outreach and pastoral care to those in need.

Since its earliest days, Springfield has been a leading academic school and was one of the first to offer Matriculation examinations to girls.  We offer a comprehensive and balanced academic curriculum and our teachers are experts in their fields, imparting a strong work ethic, for which we are renowned. It is this mindset which is the foundation of our academic excellence – consistently resulting in 100 % Bachelor Passes. The Matric Class of 2019 posted outstanding results achieving a 100% bachelor pass rate. 300 subject distinctions were achieved in 2019. Springfield was acknowledged as one of the top 20 schools for excellent academic performance in the NSC examinations.

A constant programme of capital development ensures that facilities are modern and updated.  A large, modern and secure car park was built to service both schools and to provide an important and aesthetic link between the campuses.  A striking feature of the school is the beautiful grounds.  The six tennis courts and two playing fields, Astro and Pavilion are situated behind the Junior School, while the northern section houses beautiful swimming and diving pools situated within magnificent gardens. A fully supported IT Department ensures that our girls have access to all the latest technology including the use of e-books. Physical fitness complements academic prowess and we encourage physical activity and a healthy but friendly competitive spirit!  We are proud of our sporting excellence with many pupils achieving national representation across all sporting disciplines. Springfield does exceptionally well in the various Inter-Schools Tournaments.

springfield convent

Springfield stimulates creative expression though Music, Art and Drama and each faculty boasts impeccable facilities and opportunities which ensure that the unique talent within each and every girl is fully expressed. The award winning Fra Angelico Art Centre enhances the superb quality of Art at Springfield. There are a variety of extra-curricular societies and clubs where pupils are encouraged to develop their talents and become accomplished independent young women

Contact details:

Telephone:  021-7979637 / 021-7976169

Email:  Marketing on [email protected]

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