Sports Report: Kearsney at the Dusi

kearsney Dusi


Four Kearsney boys completed this year’s Dusi Canoe Marathon, despite the abnormally high water levels.

Rory Treleaven and his cousin Ben Tarr won the U23 K2 category, in a time of 9:04:28. Their overall position was 62nd.

Exceptionally high water on Days 2 and 3 made just finishing this year’s race an incredible achievement. Day 3 is usually raced on a river which has 35-40 cumecs; whilst this year it was 110 cumecs.

Liam Calenborne paddled with Kearsney teacher Steve Main, to finish 5th in their Senior K2 category; and 119th overall. Their time was 10:04:02.

Also competing in the Senior K2 category were Oliver Hind and his father Norman who finished 19th and Raine Scoular and his father Gary who finished 20th. Their times were 11:25:47 and 11:38:07 respectively.

kearsney Dusi

Sports Report compiled by Sue Miles at Working Words

Image 1:U23 K2 winners Ben Tarr & Rory Treleaven

Image 2:Liam Calenborne & Steve Main