Hockey: The 2022 Top Schools Tournament


Once again Paarl Gym will be at the forefront in hosting one of the premier U16 Girls and Boys Tournament in 2022.

As usual the 12 teams that get invited to the tournament will be based on the Top 12 on the SA School Sports Hockey Rankings.

Criteria for being Invited to the Paarl Gim Boys & Girls Top Schools Tournament:

  • The Top 10 Schools according to the SA School Sports Rankings as at 31st May, 2022 will automatically qualify and be invited to the U16 Top School Tournament
  • 2 Wild Cards will also be invited at the discretion of the Tournament Committee
  • Team will have to play a minimum of 12 games by the 31st May to qualify

So save the date! 5-9 August 2022. Make sure you get all your U16 hockey results sent into [email protected]

hockey tournament


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