Clifton School

Clifton School

From his first day of school to the day of his final matric exam, your son will begin writing the pivotal opening passages of his life story. For nearly 100 years, Clifton School has educated the young men of Durban, providing the foundation they need to join the adult world with competence and confidence.

Clifton SchoolClifton School

Clifton understands that every boy is different, and his individuality needs to be nurtured to allow his story to unfold in its own style. Through an abiding culture of holistic development, individual attention and care, your son is given the tools to define his identity. Early and ongoing academic guidance and structure create a framework for the inspired and well-rounded gentleman to flourish.

                Clifton School    Clifton School

From keen academic focus and leadership opportunities to the fulfilment of a variety of sporting and cultural activities, your son will craft daily tales of challenges overcome and victories achieved. Both individually and as a team player, his extra-curricular life at school will mould his lifestyle in the years to come.

A customised, forward-thinking curriculum seamlessly integrates with a varied, multi-faceted extra-curricular programme to fill your son’s days with social, studious and sporting passions. With a world of opportunities at his fingertips, he will be given every chance to exhibit his abilities as a balanced, committed young man who can make positive contributions in his community and in his world.

As he grows, so will his knowledge and ability.

Aptitude and competition are balanced with the ink of humility, as your son writes his days within a value-driven system of ethics and morality. Most importantly, as he looks back on his formative years at Clifton, he will know that he filled the pages with his family – friends, teachers, coaches and mentors. Clifton will be at his side sharing in the experiences and lessons that will continue to drive him through life.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Clifton family. Your son’s story is entwined in your own – and we are excited to mark the milestones of his school journey with you and your family.

To find out more:

Tel:  031 312 2147