Cricket: New Graduates of CoachED Level 3 Course

CoachED Level 3 Certification Coaches

CoachED Cricket and SA School Sports partnered to run a competition to provide an exclusive opportunity for coaches to apply for a place on the CoachED Global Level 3 Coaching Course via the SA School Sports website.

 Previous winners of the competition, who have recently graduated and successfully qualified are Terrance Mahachi who coaches at St. John’s College  and Andrew Dyer the First XI Coach of Thomas More College. 

 Ryan Cook, a co-founder of CoachED and the course director of the Global Level 3 remarked, “both Andrew and Terence did really well on the course and we noted great growth throughout the course. We’re excited to see them progress in their respective coaching careers. We see plenty coaches from around the world who are not getting access to further their coach education and certification opportunities. Many of them wish to progress but there are very limited options available to them. We are pleased to be able to offer a high quality and globally relevant course that provides learning and certification from World Cup winning coach, Gary Kirsten.”

 Terrence and Andrew reflect on their experiences below of being enrolled on the CoachED Global Level 3 Course.

 How would you describe your experience on the CoachED Global Level 3 Certification?

 Terrance: It was an amazing experience and it opened my mind to things that I never thought were the responsibility of a coach, besides running a net session and match preparation.

Andrew: Extensive in what it covered. There is a lot of content to go through and cover during the 8 weeks of the course, however I enjoyed the insights from all the various professional players and coaches. Getting to hear how they approach the game and for the most part, how simple they keep the overall game plan was really nice to see.

What did you enjoy most about the Global Level 3 course?

 Terrance: The way it was structured. It took you to the edge and challenged you further to get the very best out of you in every way and I can truly say that out of all the courses I have taken part in,  this one was the best in all aspects. The CoachED course directors and mentors really took the time, made the effort and went beyond to ensure  everything was in place to give me the best chance of success.

Andrew: The thought processes the course created, made me think about cricket at a different level. Some of the course material and exams created scenarios that I am not used to dealing with or thinking about on a daily basis, so it was really good to have to expand my thinking to answer these questions. The course also helped create a confidence in myself as a coach, a lot of the content in the course and the coaching philosophies shared in the course are what I am currently using in my own coaching and having this reinforced in the coursework helped reassure me that I am creating the right environment around my coaching situations, as well as going about creating thought processes/growth in players in a constructive way.

 How did you find the Global Level 3 course material?

Terrence: It was very informative and educational. It tackled all of the issues of the  modern game and gave ideas on how to help players in all aspects of the game.

The webinars were also very informative with a lot of input and information from different people around the world, which gave us the opportunity to learn the different approaches that are adopted in different cricket playing countries of the world.

The exams were very challenging and required you to recall a lot of the information learnt and heard throughout the webinars as well.

The assignments and discussion forums required you to use your ability to apply all the things you learnt and also gave us the opportunity  to interact and learn from each other in the cohort.

 Lastly, the mentors were very supportive and it gave you the option to get any assistance if needed and to discuss in more detail the things  which you are learning, whilst tracking your growth and progress during the course.

Andrew: I found the content discussed interesting and gave good insight into the game as a whole.

The exams and assignments were really enjoyable. The process of completing them, the analysis part of the bowling and batting assignments was new to me and I really found it enjoyable.


Your feedback on the CoachED website and Global Level 3 online learning platform functionality?

 Terence: It was very easy to use.

 Andrew: The website and its functionality was really good, very easy to use, navigate and had no issues.

 As part of the Global Level 3 course, you had to consume all the Library content and successfully complete the Accreditation as well. How was your experience of the CoachED Library and Accreditation?

Terence: The Library had good information and drills to help with running and preparing your practices. Also, great information to help players mentally as well.

The Accreditation was great to check your knowledge of the information in the Library and ensure you read through it all in order to test your knowledge.

 Andrew:  The Library had a lot of useful information to refer back to and I enjoyed the inclusion of various drills to make use of during coaching. The Accreditation was a really good test of the content included in the Library. I enjoyed the final written accreditation exam and the Accreditation exam gave a good test of the overall content.

 Any final thoughts on the CoachED Global Level 3 course?

 Terence: I am really hoping to continue growing as a coach and believe that through the content CoachED keeps providing that I will. I am looking towards applying for the CoachED Elite course next. I feel very fortunate and I am truly grateful for the opportunity SA Schools Sport and CoachED have afforded me and to have been part of this learning journey. Thank you

 Andrew: The setup of the Global Level 3 course is really beneficial for further learning, continuous development and coach education interactions.

 Throughout the Global Level 3 course, both Terence and Andrew are allocated an Elite mentor to help guide them through the program. “Terence and Andrew were very committed to the course and showed great energy throughout. They also utilised the learnings and have no doubt that they have the potential to progress to more advanced levels” commented Ian Stewart who was the assigned mentor for both coaches.

CoachED and SA School Sports are partnering once again to provide an exclusive opportunity to one coach to join the next CoachED Global Level 3 Coaching Course starting on 25 April 2022. To enter the competition or nominate a coach who would benefit from this opportunity, complete the following…

  • Which is the best Online Cricket Coaching Course? Email your name and answer to [email protected]  before the 22nd April, 2022